
Конфигурационный файл драйвера

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# parameters (see i.MX6DQRM Reference Manual for details)
# Each GF display is configured by one line of the input file. When a value is set, it becomes the default value for the following lines.
# The defaults are: xres=800,yres=600,refresh=60,hspclk=0,pixclk=40000000,vsw=4,vss=19,vew=5,hsw=128,hss=88,hew=40,vpol=0,epol=1,dpol=0,
# cpol=0,hpol=0,yuv=1,layers=2,ofmt=24,up=0,down=15,ldbmap=0,ldbmode=0,ldbwidth=0,di=0. There are 1 or 2 GF displays (not to be confused
# with iMX Display Interfaces). The first GF display has support for two layers, resizing, and YUV on one of the layers, and is mandatory.
# It can be routed to either DI0 or DI1. The second GF display has only one layer, and can be routed to the other DI, or disabled.
# These options may be specified for each display interface:
# These settings may be specified on any line, but all instances must have the same value:
# board Board type for GPIO settings:
# 0 i.MX51 EVK
# 1 i.MX53 EVK
# 2 i.MX53 SABRE-AI
# 3 i.MX6x (default, see "chip" option)
# chip Chip type for i.MX register addresses:
# 51 i.MX51
# 53 i.MX53
# 60 i.MX6 Solo (unsupported)
# 61 i.MX6 Dual
# 63 i.MX6 Quad (default for i.MX6x boards)
# 0 guess from 'board' parameter (default)
# Display settings:
# re-init Disable IPU before starting
# 0 initial IPU disable sequence does not needed
# 1 disable IPU initially
# ipu Display controller index (i.MX6x only):
# 0 IPU1 (default)
# 1 IPU2
# di Display interface index:
# 0 DI0 (default)
# 1 DI1
# type Display type:
# 0 DVI (default)
# 1 VGA
# 2 LVDS (affects GPIO settings to enable board-specific hardware)
# ofmt Display output pixel format:
# 16 RGB565
# 18 RGB666
# 24 RGB888 (default)
# rotation Display data rotation (i.MX6x only):
# 0 0 degrees rotation (default)
# 180 180 degrees rotation
# extclk External clock frequency, in Hz:
# 0 use internal clock (default)
# x external clock frequency, in Hz
# extvsync Vsync source:
# 0 internal (default)
# 1 external
# hspclk HSP clock frequency, in Hz (default: 133 Mhz (i.MX51) / 200 MHz (i.MX53) / 264 MHz (i.MX6x))
# yuv YUV layer index (DI1 only):
# 0 layer 0 (only 1 layer can display YUV)
# 1 layer 1 (default, only 1 layer can display YUV)
# xres Display x resolution
# yres Display y resolution
# refresh Display vertical refresh rate, in Hz
# pixclk Pixel clock frequency, in Hz
# up Pixel clock up position, in ns (default 0)
# down Pixel clock down position, in ns (default 15)
# hsw Horizontal sync width
# hss Horizontal sync start
# hew Horizontal end width
# vsw Vertical sync width
# vss Vertical sync start
# vew Vertical end width
# vpol Vsync polarity:
# 0 active low
# 1 active high
# hpol Hsync polarity:
# 0 active low
# 1 active high
# epol Output enable polarity:
# 0 active low
# 1 active high
# dpol Data polarity:
# 0 straight polarity
# 1 inverse polarity
# cpol Clock polarity:
# 0 straight polarity
# 1 inverse polarity
# LVDS settings (i.MX53+ only):
# When ldbmode is not 0, the following caveats apply:
# If both DIs are used with LDB, they must have identical pixclk. No checking is done for this case, but it won't work. Other
# parameters may be different (e.g. width and height), but not pixclk. If the LDB is active and ldbclksel is zero, DPLLC4 will
# be reprogrammed, extclk and hspclk are ignored. Behavior when ldbmode is configured such that one LDB channel is connected to
# two DIs is undefined. If ldbmode is used on both DIs, one of the ldbmodes must be 1 and the other must be 2. If ldbclksel is
# non-zero, the LDB is configured, but the DPLLC is not. This is used in cases where DPLLC is configured elsewhere, e.g. in
# startup. ldbclksel=3 selects DPLLC3, 4 selects DPLLC4.
# ldbmode LVDS display bridge output:
# 0 disable (default)
# 1 connect this DI to LVDS0
# 2 connect this DI to LVDS1
# 3 both
# ldbmap LVDS display bridge channel bit mapping:
# 0 SPWG (default)
# 1 JEIDA (ldbwidth must be 1)
# ldbwidth LVDS display bridge channel width:
# 0 18 bits (default)
# 1 24 bits
# ldbclksel LVDS display bridge clock select (i.MX53 only):
# 0 autoconfigure DPLLC4 (default)
# 1 autoconfigure DPLLC4
# 2 autoconfigure DPLLC4
# 3 DPLLC3
# 4 DPLLC4
# The vidbase and vidsize entries are optional and should only be used in cases where contiguous memory for displayable and / or GPU
# capable surfaces need to be reserved. Both vidbase and vidsize need to be specified in these cases. Specifying only one of them will
# result in the driver not using the reserved memory. Note that when used, a matching reserved memory entry needs to be specified in the
# startup options of the board's build file. When vidbase and vidsize are not specified, surfaces will be allocated when required, and
# memory will not be reserved in advance for them. This is the default behaviour.
# vidbase Physical base address of reserved memory for surfaces.
# vidsize Size of reserved memory for surfaces.
# At the end of any line that contains display options, all configuration settings on the line are applied to the current GF display.

Связанный драйвер:

Опции драйвера:

Конфигурационный файл драйвера позволяет задавать следующие параметры:

Параметры детектирования устройства:

Вариант подстройки GPIO линий устройства:
Тип устройства:

Параметры определения режима вывода информации:

Предварительное отключение IPU:
Индекс контроллера дисплея:
Индекс интерфейса подключения дисплея:
Тип интерфейса подключания дисплея:
Формат выводимого изображения интерфейса:
Поворот выводимого изображения средствами контроллера дисплея:
Частота внешнего источника:
Источник сигнала V-Sync:
Частота сигнала HSP:
Индекс YUV слоя (только для DI1, только один слой может быть использован в качестве YUV):
Разрешение дисплея
Частота обновления дисплея (в Гц)
пиксельная частота настраиваемого видео-режима
Подстройка пиксельной частоты
modeline настраиваемого видео-режима

Параметры интерфейса LVDS (только для i.MX53+):

Выходной порт LVDS моста:
Формат канала LVDS моста:
Формат цветности канала LVDS моста:
Источник частоты LVDS моста:

Примеры конфигураций для различного оборудования:

Freescale i.MX6 Quad development board (800x480 WVGA LCD module):

board=3,chip=63,ipu=0,di=0,type=1,ofmt=16,hspclk=264000000,xres=800,yres=480,refresh=60, pixclk=32264000,hsw=124,hss=60,hew=32,vsw=2,vss=33,vew=10,vpol=1,epol=1,dpol=0,cpol=0,hpol=1,yuv=1

Freescale i.MX6 Quad - Dolomant ONIKS08 (800x600 AUO 8.4 Inch Color TFT-LCD module "G084SN05 V9"):

board=3,chip=63,ipu=0,di=0,type=2,ofmt=24,hspclk=264000000,xres=800,yres=600,refresh=60, pixclk=39800000,hsw=128,hss=128,hew=1,vsw=14,vss=14,vew=1,vpol=1,epol=1,dpol=0,cpol=0,hpol=1,yuv=1,ldbmode=1,ldbmap=0,ldbwidth=1

Freescale i.MX6 Quad - TMR-Smartphone (720x1280 SSD2828 LCD):

board=3,chip=63,ipu=0,di=0,type=2,ofmt=24,hspclk=264000000,xres=720,yres=1280,refresh=60, pixclk=56320000,hsw=128,hss=128,hew=1,vsw=14,vss=14,vew=1,vpol=1,epol=1,dpol=0,cpol=0,hpol=1,yuv=1,up=-1,down=-1,ldbmode=1,ldbmap=0,ldbwidth=1,re-init=1


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Тематические ссылки:

Предыдущий раздел: Модульные драйвера